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Another fan, another fan blog


Thank the Keeper

The Official Star Wars.com Blog just brought to our attention this huge article from Wired Magazine about Leland Chee,"continuity database administrator for the Lucas Licensing arm of Lucasfilm", but better known to the rest of us as The Keeper of the Holocron. Leland not only takes care of everything you see on the databank at starwars.com, but he's really the king of the bestest playground in this part of the galaxy.

You can see The Keeper in print in the September issue of Wired, but be sure to check out the above linked online edition for lots of sweet video and other links!

1 comment:

Sarlacc-Pitt said...

Very interesting... I read the article in Wired at the market, and thought it was well done. And that is a RAD room!!

Oh, and I *love* that Anakin/Ahsoka/Artooey picture on your blog!

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